Dr. Dawn Irons Ph.D, LPC-S, LPCC-S, BCPCC

Welcome to Hope Harbor Counseling!

Finding quality mental health has become quite challenging. The last decade has seen our educational system move our profession's evidence-based, Do No Harm treatment approach to one that affirms many mental illnesses in the name of "inclusion." As a result, our children have been compromised for an ideology not based on any real, peer-reviewed science. Thankfully, in Texas, our legislature has defined Gender Affirming Care of minors as child abuse. We unequivocally and unapologetically do not provide Gender Affirming Care.

That stops at our doors.

At Hope Harbor Counseling, we're simply not going to be intimidated by societal views masquerading as sound mental healthcare. We follow these highly contested subjects very closely, and we can help you deal with these issues. We apply the most up-to-date evidence-based research, such as The Cass Report, to deal with these issues.

What I want you to know is that your family is safe at Hope Harbor. In a world that cannot define gender and is willing to surgically mutilate confused children who are at the height of their normal developmental stage before and during puberty, Hope Harbor stands firmly committed to tradition and Biblical family values. We believe that both mothers and fathers matter. We believe that the nuclear family is the cornerstone of a stable and thriving society. Your conservative and traditional family values are welcome here.

So, how can we best serve you?

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Our Daily Quest For You

We know when we walk out the door to head to the office each day, we have been given a holy privilege to walk with the wounded, in mind, body, and spirit. We face each day knowing that God has trained and equipped us to meet these needs in very personalized ways based on sound Biblical doctrine and principles. Earning your trust and serving you, our client, is our greatest privilege.

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Our Vision for Hope Harbor

The staff at Hope Harbor is steadfast in our commitment to non-woke, traditional family values, reality-based therapy, and a Christ-centered approach to navigating this human experience called life. We are firmly committed to the Judeo-Christian Biblical worldview, and we believe that healing must be addressed in all areas: body, soul (the mind, will, and emotions), and spirit.

The Hope Harbor Counselors

Denver City Providers

Dr. Dawn Irons Ph.D, LPC-S, LPCC-S, BCPCC
Sharon Mendez LPC Associate

Brownfield Providers

Amanda Davis LPC Associate

Virtual Only Providers

Mandi McDowell LPC Associate

Those Frequently Asked Questions

Both, actually. From a treatment effectiveness stand-point in-person is always going to be better for the client. We realize, however that sometimes conditions make that impractical, so we offer both. Each counselor has their own policy on that so check out their counselor page to see what they offer.

Please be aware that if a client is in crisis mode then an in-person appointment will be the only option.

Each of our counselors sets their own hours so click on their headshots above to be taken to their page where you'll find their days and hours of availability in the right-side column.

Yes, we do. Again, each counselor may be different so check out their individual pages to find out which ones they accept.

Yes! Credit, debit and HSA cards, too.

Each individual counselor will work with you to determine if you qualify for a sliding scale payment option.

Once you have decided to utilize our services and picked a counselor you'll click a button located on your counselor's web page and be taken to a client portal where you'll fill out your online profile and the necessary paperwork prior to your first appointment. That's pretty much it unless your counselor has requested additional materials based on your prior conversation with her/him.

The profile must be completed before an appointment can be set.

Good question! It can take one of two forms.

  1. It can be as simple as a traditional counseling approach done by a counselor who happens to be a Christian.
  2. Or, it can be that same traditional counseling viewed and delivered through a Christian worldview lens.

We tend to begin with the first version and take it whichever way the client wants it to go. We will never impose our values on a client.

Thank you for asking! Our Cancellation Policy is written at the bottom of each of our counselors' web pages but the long and short of it is if you reschedule or cancel at least 24 hours ahead of time you're good. If not, it's going to cost you $125.